Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is becoming more and more popular in Australia. It offers you peace of mind as it covers some or all of the treatment costs if your pet gets involved in an accident or suffers a sudden illness. There is no equivalent of Medicare for pets, so treatment costs can exceed out-of-pocket expenses for a similar condition in a human.

Did you know that 24 hour emergency and critical care for animals can cost over $1,000 per day? Some surgeries such as repair of fractured bones or exploratory surgery can also add up to thousands of dollars and that’s before including recovery and aftercare treatment. It is a heartbreaking situation to have to choose between the health of your pet and financial constraints, so for peace of mind we strongly recommend that your pet is insured.

There are several companies that offer pet insurance and we can help you find one that best suits your needs and your pet.

What does pet insurance cover?

Individual packages vary in the type of treatment covered. However, they usually include most accidents and unexpected illnesses.

We reccomend doing your research as there are differences between each company and the policies they offer. In particular the claim excess amount, proportion of treatment costs covered, annual claim limit, age restrictions, pre-existing illness exclusions and policy costs. It is best to choose a plan that suits you and your pet.


While we do not offer in house payment plans, we do offer VetPay as a payment option.

VetPay is a payment plan that lets you pay for your pet's treatment over time. We can do pre-approvals in clinic that take approx. 10-15 minutes and only require photo ID. Alternatively, you can do it online through their website prior to coming into the clinic at

If it is your first time using VetPay we require a 20% deposit of the final treatment cost to process the account, after this there is no deposit to pay fi you are a returning customer. From here VetPay will then direct debit the balance in fortnightly installments (usually $40 but you can call them to change this) from your nominated bank account.

Unlike most companies, there are no hidden fees with VetPay. All their processing fees and accounts fees can be found under their terms and condition's.


Our clinic is thrilled to announce we can now accept Afterpay as an alternative payment method. 

If you already have Afterpay set up, then it's as easy as tapping your Afterpay card on our EFTPOS machine and you are good to go.

If you would like more information about Afterpay, then please check out their website -
